On Wednesday 11th December Beaufort Cottage Educational Trust trustees welcomed our three successful veterinary student scholars, Natasha Poulter (Liverpool), Jasmine Poon (Bristol) and Jordan Green (Liverpool) to Newmarket to present their research to an invited group of clinicians and researchers.

All gave excellent presentations which were well received by the audience with Q & A’s to challenge their research.  The students also benefited from a tour of Rossdales Equine Hospital and Diagnostic Centre and were invited to stay and meet the Rossdales Interns.

The scholarship was generously sponsored by The Gerald Leigh Charitable Trust of which we kindly thank them for their support.

Their presentations can be found below.

If you are interested in applying for future years please see our Grant and Awards page for further details.


Natasha Poulter Presentation.   Jordan Green presentation.     Jasmine Poon Presentation